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Chair's Address: October 2022

Chair's Address: October 2022

October 2022

Friends & Colleagues, Welcome to our October newsletter. We had a fantastic kick-off event last month, thanks to everyone that attended, where we laid out our plans for the coming session. What always rings true for me is that we try to accommodate the wants and needs of the members affiliated with SPE Aberdeen. We ask, we listen, we act. Our recent member’s survey gave us a huge insight into what our members want, what areas of the industry, and topics you want us to focus on and hopefully we deliver accordingly. Much of our upcoming programme is detailed in the newsletter. Of particular intertest is the launch of the Offshore Achievement Awards, now in its 36th year. Want to recognise the outstanding efforts of an individual or company? Please consider submitting an application. Lastly to finish off this newsletter intro, it is with sadness I must report that our long-term administrator Louise Thomas is moving on to pastures new. Louise, who edits this newsletter amongst countless other things, has been responsible for the administration of the section for 8 years. Those involved with Section operations know and understand Louise’s impact and influence across so much of what we do. I hope you will all join with me in thanking Louise for her efforts and dedication over the years. In the meantime, please feel free to get in touch with any queries, thoughts, or suggestions. Graham Graham Dallas SPE Aberdeen Chair

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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