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Home / Latest News / ‘Spotlight on Young Professionals’ featured in the publication The Way Ahead – Scott Wonuola
‘Spotlight on Young Professionals’ featured in the publication The Way Ahead – Scott Wonuola

‘Spotlight on Young Professionals’ featured in the publication The Way Ahead – Scott Wonuola

December 2016

scott-yp SPE Aberdeen Section is delighted that our YP Chair Scott Wonuola has been chosen to be featured in TWA magazine. The purpose of ‘Spotlight on Young Professionals’ is to share interesting voluntary contributions and technical achievements of young professionals with their peers. Organised by the Young Member Engagement Committee we look for stories about inspiring and motivated activities performed by SPE Young Professionals (YPs). Though them we are able to highlight the examples of how hard work and keeping engaged in SPE activities can get you ahead in your career while celebrating our best and brightest members. The chosen stories are featured in The Way Ahead™ and through SPE’s social media channels targeting YPs. Wonuola was our first ever candidate for this position as was selected as top choice of over 40 submissions from all over the world. See the full article by clicking here.

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