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Chair's Address: August 2022

Chair's Address: August 2022

August 2022

Friends & Colleagues, Another new session is upon us after our summer break. Hopefully the 2022-23 session will be largely free of the challenges that the previous three had. We will be hosting a Section kick-off meeting in September, look out for details, where we will formally launch the activities that we intend to deliver this year. We intend to have a large-scale gathering and invite volunteers, members, partner societies, sponsors, and guests to see what makes SPE Aberdeen tick. I hope you can make it; details will be finalised in the coming weeks. Industry wise things are picking up the pace. There are frequent press releases of field plans and investment plans being approved. The attacks on Ukraine from Russia and the subsequent sanctions have brought the energy security of the UK and Europe in sharp focus, and naturally our industry is key to reducing some of the challenges. Alongside current day-to-day activities there are significant plans for fully net-zero developments, electrification of older platforms and several low and zero carbon energy projects that we can all contribute our skills and expertise to. I hope we can continue to count on your support and participation over the next 12 months. As always if you have any thoughts, comments or questions please do get in touch. Thanks, Graham Dallas SPE Aberdeen Chair

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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