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Helipets supporting offshore workers

Helipets supporting offshore workers

May 2024

SPE Aberdeen Section Manager Diane Wood leads a double life as Chair of the Board of Directors of Therapet in Scotland. 

Therapet managed by Canine Concern Scotland Trust have recently launched their Helipet's innovation, where 40 volunteers work with their registered Therapets within the four heliports in Aberdeen and Diane attended the OEUK Offshore Aviation Conference in May at Union Kirk to tell them all about it. Seasoned campaigner Naso (on the left in the picture) and new volunteer Nola joined Diane on the podium to tell the conference how attending heliport departure lounges with Therapet dogs can help offshore workers, as part of the heliports mental health and well being programme and how the act of interacting with an animal can release our "happy hormones" which might help passengers who may be feeling anxious about flying, heading offshore for the first time or worried about family at home. As you can see, Naso and Nola took it all in their stride and our own Student Development committee Chair, Graham Skinner, stepped up to puppy-sit!

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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